Sometimes it all seems erratic

We look in the very past and then see the present, there is a huge transformation. When I try to imagine it, I get amazed every single time. It all seems like a dream, from where we started and now, from hardwork to smartwork, from no technology to all technology. Its all like a fictional movie, building up huge machines from theories and equations. Now coming to the real world. Does anybody know what are we all doing? What are we fighting for, why are we here, what will we get by this life other than a painful but in the end, a happy journey. Everyone is like running in a race where no one quite knows where will it end, like neither do I know why am I writing this, what will I get. Doesn’t it seem somewhat like a fictional thing.

Now listen, we are born and then take about fifteen years doing nothing but just passing our time, around fifteen the first thing we get to know it that we have to do good at school so to get a good job and  meet the future requirements. Mean while we think that having friends and a girlfriend/boyfriend is enough to get through life. Around 18 we enter college and another four years. Now we are in the twenties ‘the struggling phase’ and finding it hard to get a good job because the company people wants 30 years of experience in the new born baby who came searching for a job. Finally we get a job, marry someone and get settled. Try to satisfy ourselves, that be happy with what you have and pass another 30-40 years either with the same job our changing twice thrice. Now we are old,and can’t work anymore (that’s what we think but can still do loads) and stop doing even the little work we did. Now enjoying the most we can, to have a happy satisfying end.

This is the case of about 80 percent people. Family, cash more cash and a small group of friends. That’s all. If we get it, life’s perfect because we can do all amusements with these things. Now think what we actually did other than making ourselves enjoy our life. Ask yourself why you were here for a couple of decades. Is what you did or are doing, was what you wished to do. Or you had some plans but got rolled up and landed somewhere else and now satisfying that it was your destiny and carrying it forward with positive response to it. Spare some time, because I guess it’s worth thinking for a while why we actually are here and what is it all happening in this erratic sphere.

Published by nikhilserraticsphere

Enthusiastic and excited to learn anything new that is interesting. I am here to connect with new people and share my views with them. Not a full time writer but am trying something that I don't usually do.

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